Built-in Functions & Variables
  • 14 May 2021
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Built-in Functions & Variables

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Article Summary

This is generated from the built in components of Otter 3.0.0, and may be different than what you have installed (especially if you have extensions); go to [User Icon] -> Documentation within your BuildMaster instance to see exactly what operations are available.


  • $EnvironmentName - Gets the name of the current environment in context, or attempts to determine a single environment in context based on server, role, and job.
  • $ExecutionId - Returns the current execution ID.
  • $ExecutionState - Returns the current state of the execution (normal, warning, or error).
  • GetVariableValue(VariableName, [VariableType]) - Returns the value of a variable if the specified variable name is available in the current context; otherwise returns null.
  • $IsSimulation - Returns "true" if the execution is a simulation; otherwise, returns "false".
  • $IsVariableDefined(VariableName, [VariableType]) - Returns true if the specified variable name is available in the current context; otherwise returns false.
  • $WorkingDirectory - Returns the current working directory.


  • $DirectoryExists(name) - Returns "true" if the specified directory exists on the current server.
  • $FileContents(FileName, [MaxLength]) - Returns the contents of a text file.
  • $FileContents(name, [maxLength]) - Returns the contents of a file on the current server.
  • $FileExists(name) - Returns "true" if the specified file exists on the current server.
  • @FilesOnDisk(includes, [excludes], [directory]) - Returns a list of files matching the mask on the current server.
  • $PathCombine(Path1, Path2) - Returns a string containing all of the arguments combined into a complete path.
  • $ResolvePath(Path) - Provides an absolute path (terminated with directory separator) based on a relative path and the current working directory; this will provide appropriate directory separators, based on the server in context


  • $Date([Format]) - Returns the current date and time of the local timezone in the specified .NET datetime format string, or ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss) if no format is specified.
  • $DateUtc([Format]) - Returns the current UTC date and time in the specified .NET datetime format string, or ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss) if no format is specified.
  • Eval(Text) - Performs variable substitution and function evaluation for arbitrary text.
  • @Range(Start, Count) - Returns a range of integers starting from a specified value.
  • $SecureCredentialProperty(credential, property) - the decrypted plain text value of a specified credentials property
  • $SecureResourceProperty(resource, property) - the value of a specified secure resource property
  • $SpecialWindowsPath(Name) - Returns the full path of a special directory on a Windows system.


  • FromJson(json) - Converts JSON to an OtterScript value.
  • $JSEncode(Text) - Encodes a string for use in a JavaScript string literal.
  • $ToJson(data) - Converts an OtterScript value to JSON.


  • $SHEval(ScriptText) - Returns the output of a shell script.


  • @ListConcat - Creates a list containing the contents of each list in sequence.
  • $ListCount(List) - Count the number of elements in a list.
  • $ListIndexOf(List, Item) - Finds the index of an item in a list. Finding the first item in a list returns 0, and finding an item not present in the list returns -1.
  • @ListInsert(List, Item, [Index]) - Inserts an item into a list.
  • ListItem(List, Index) - Gets an item from a list.
  • @ListRemove(List, Index) - Removes an item from a list.


  • MapAdd(Map, Key, Value) - Adds a key-value pair to a map.
  • MapItem(Map, Key) - Gets an item from a map.
  • @MapKeys(Map) - Lists the keys of a map.
  • MapRemove(Map, Key) - Removes a key from a map.


  • $Compare(Arg1, Operator, Arg2, [AsNumber]) - Compare two values numerically or as case-sensitive strings.
  • $Decrement(value, [amount]) - Returns a string that contains the result of decrementing a value.
  • $Increment(value, [amount]) - Returns a string that contains the result of incrementing a value.


  • $PSCredential(UserName, [Password]) - Returns a PSCredential object that can be passed to PowerShell scripts.
  • PSEval(ScriptText) - Returns the result of a PowerShell script.


  • @AcquiredServers(Role) - list of all of the servers acquired for a specified role
  • @AllEnvironments - Returns a list of all environments.
  • @AllRoles - Returns a list of all server roles.
  • @AllServers([IncludeInactive]) - Returns a list of all servers.
  • $EnvironmentVariable(EnvironmentVariableName) - Returns the value of the specified environment variable on the current server.
  • $RoleName - name of the current server role in context
  • $ServerName - Gets the name of the current server in context.
  • $ServerName - name of the current server in context
  • @ServersInEnvironment([EnvironmentName], [IncludeInactive]) - Returns a list of all the servers in the specified environment name.
  • @ServersInRole([RoleName], [IncludeInactive]) - Returns a list of servers in the specified role.
  • @ServersInRoleAndEnvironment([RoleName], [EnvironmentName], [IncludeInactive]) - Returns a list of all the servers in the specified role and environment name.


  • $Coalesce - Returns the first argument which does not contain only whitespace.
  • $HtmlEncode(Text) - Encodes a string for use in HTML.
  • $Join(Separator, Values) - Concatenates all elements of a list into a string using a specified separator.
  • $JSEncode(Text) - Encodes a string for use as a JavaScript literal.
  • $MatchesRegex(Text, RegexPattern) - Returns true when the specified text matches the specified pattern; otherwise returns false.
  • $NewLine([WindowsOrLinux]) - newline string for either the operating system of the current server in context or specifically Windows or Linux
  • $PadLeft(Text, Length, [PadCharacter]) - Returns a new string that right-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them on the left with a specified character, for a specified total length.
  • $PadRight(Text, Length, [PadCharacter]) - Returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them on the left with a specified character, for a specified total length.
  • @RegexFind(Text, MatchExpression, [MatchGroup]) - Finds all matches of a regular expression in a string, optionally returning only a matched group.
  • $RegexReplace(Text, MatchExpression, ReplaceWith) - Searches for and replaces text in a string using a regular expression.
  • $Replace(Text, Value, ReplaceWith, [IgnoreCase]) - Searches for and replaces text in a string.
  • @Split(Text, Separator, [Count]) - Splits a string into substrings based on a specified separator.
  • $Substring(Text, Offset, [Length]) - Returns a segment of another string.
  • $ToLower(Text) - Returns a string with all letters converted to lowercase.
  • $ToUpper(Text) - Returns a string with all letters converted to uppercase.
  • $Trim(Text) - Returns a string with all leading and trailing whitespace characters removed, or optionally a set of specified characters.
  • $TrimEnd(Text) - Returns a string with all trailing whitespace characters removed, or optionally a set of specified characters.
  • $TrimStart(Text) - Returns a string with all leading whitespace characters removed, or optionally a set of specified characters.
  • $UrlEncode(Text) - Escapes a string for use in a URL.


  • $XmlEncode(Text) - Encodes a string for use in an XML element.

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