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ProGet behind proxy

  • Hi,

    We have installed ProGet in our environment.

    We install these infrastructure tools on one server, where each application runs on different port and then we have a proxy server, that does the routing.

    So, proget is actually running on address "http://common.ysoft:8080/" and the proxy runs on "http://nuget.ysoft/". The problem is, that proget still thinks it runs on port 8080 and obtaining packages does not work.

    Is there a way to tell ProGet on what address it runs?

  • In this case, you can try setting the ODataBaseUrl to http://nuget.ysoft/ under the Advanced Settings page. This will override the default behavior of using the request host/url when generating ODATA feeds.

  • And what about NPM and Bower repositories? It seems that the ODataBaseUrl doesn't apply to the URL shown in "manage feeds" list for those feed types.

    Also the ODataBaseUrl has to include /nuget/ to function properly with NuGet-based feeds (includes NuGet feeds and Chocolatey feeds).
    And it doesn't apply to URL shown on the feed details page as Package source URL (for NuGet and Chocolatey feeds) or API Endpoint (for Bower and NPM feeds).

    Please provide some way to configure "external URL" for the entire ProGet server / installation, so that it can be used without hassle in environments with reverse proxy or SSL offloading in front of it. We are evaluating ProGet in Docker container (which means version 4.0 beta) and in such environments it's pretty common to have some kind of reverse proxy or at least port redirection (and therefore URL change) in front of the application container itself.

    There is another error that I noticed in this version (4.0 beta). When I try to add privilege to user or group, it ends with an exception:

    ERROR: 0A000: WITH clause containing a data-modifying statement must be at the top level

    Description: HTTP 500.Error processing request.

    Details: Non-web exception. Exception origin (name of application or object): Npgsql.
    Exception stack trace:
    at Npgsql.NpgsqlState+<ProcessBackendResponses>d__0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextResponseObject (Boolean cleanup) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0



  • There is an open issue on this one, we're going to get it fixed in the next maint release w/ a new property (ProGetBaseUrl) that.

    I think when we added the other feeds, we sort of forgot that ODataUrl needs to have /nuget in order to work in it ;-)

  • Ok, do you have some ETA? And you mean new release version of ProGet in Docker container (for Linux) or new release version of the 3.8.x line? Hope for the Docker version or both of them :)

    In the meantime I solved the privileges problem by manually adding required row to underlying PostgreSQL table. With that I can continue the evaluation.

  • We don't, so that means probably in the next week or so; unfortunately this has not been a high-enough priority issue to trigger a maintenance release. Once we have that one, we can do another docker/linux build quite easily.

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