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Cannot form a valid licenses.licx - original seems to beignored

  • I am having problems compiling a vs2010 project.

    It is a large project with some legacy components that have been installed on the server. When I run the Build action 'solution from default directory to the \bin{config} subdirectory of each project in the solution' I get the following message:

    licenses.licx(1,0): error LC0004: Exception occurred creating type 'Syncfusion.Core.Licensing.LicensedComponent, Syncfusion.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=632609b4d040f6b4' System.InvalidOperationException: Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.

    Although it appears the component in question is trying to invoke some license screen, I am fairly certain this is a Build Master issue. For if I cut and paste the MsBuild command that is output in the log (Framework64\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe" "...\wrk\MySolution.sln" "/p:Configuration=Debug") running it against the wrk directory, I can compile it cleanly- as there is a license file in the Project as an embedded resource directory. (I can also open the project in visual studio and compile.)

    So it seems that Buildmaster is not using that license file but doing something else.

    I have tried a number of things such as:

    • using the add 'Add Licenses' action with both the name of the component (Syncfusion.Core.Licensing.LicensedComponent) and the full assembly identity (Syncfusion.Core.Licensing.LicensedComponent, Syncfusion.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=632609b4d040f6b4')

    • not using the 'Add Licenses' action - which still gives me the above InvalidOperationException error.

    • I have tried deleting the original license file before the Add Licenses action - which causes MsBuild to raise "Could not find file message '..SRC\Momentus.WindowsApp\licenses.licx"

    So given that from the command list msbuild compiles the solution without exception, what is causing the issue?

    Is there a way to see the contents of the SRC directory when the build fails - it seems to be removed?

  • This is almost certainly a user account issue. Can you invoke MSBuild manually as the same account used to host the BuildMaster service? That should give you the same error. If you install the licenses as the same user hosting the BuildMaster service it should work.

    The SRC directory becomes the WRK directory when there are target directories involved (in this case the build output).

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