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Nuget.exe cannot delete from a proget feed.

  • Hi

    I am running proget Version 2.2.7 (Build 3) on a Windows 2012 server hosted on IIS with my own instance of MSSQL Enterprise.

    I cannot delete packages from a feed using the nuget exe.

    When I run >>nuget delete package_id version -Source http://proget/nuget/feed_name It returns a 404 error.

    When I run >>nuget delete package_id version -Source http://proget/feeds/feed_name It claims to succeed for any package_id or version I enter but nothing happens on the server.


  • This looks to be a bug, thank you for the report. We'll have this fixed in an upcoming maintenance release (2.2.8).

    The current workaround is to delete them from the file system directly, or from the package details page in the web UI.

  • We have the same issue in ProGet 3.3.3. Deleting using '.../feeds/...' path claims to succeed, but in fact deletes nothing. Deleting using '.../nuget/...' throws "(500) internal server error exception".

  • @Dmitrii - I am still unable to reproduce this behavior in ProGet v3.5.4. I would suggest upgrading to the latest version and see if that helps?

  • nuget delete is working for me as of 3.5.4 like expected

    C:\Temp\nuget stuff> nuget delete Dashboard -source http://proget/nuget/test -apikey test
    Dashboard will be deleted from the 'http://proget/nuget/test'. Would you like to continue? (y/N) y
    Deleting Dashboard from the 'http://proget/nuget/test'.
    Dashboard was deleted successfully.

  • @Tod,@Calvin I've tested it in 3.5.3 and it works now. Thanks!

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