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Fail extracting artifact zip file ...

  • Any suggestions on the below error (deploy artifact to Solaris server).
    TMP & SOURCE created OK on remote Solaris server.
    Failed during artifact unzip on same remote server.

    B-AUTH Release 7770020 Build 3 to XCQ
    Build Execution
    Status	Failed
    Initiated By	Admin on 4/23/2014 1:47:41 PM
    Promoted	4/16/2014 2:30:33 PM to XCQ by dmccaffr
    Execution Started	4/23/2014 1:47:41 PM
    Execution Ended	4/23/2014 1:48:46 PM
    Duration	1min 4.11s
    Failure Details
    Failed During: Action Group 1 ()
    AgentBasedAction Initialization Complete: 
    Temp Directory: /home/dmccaffr/_A3/_S4/TMP 
    Source Directory: /home/dmccaffr/_A3/_S4/WRK 
    Target Directory: /home/dmccaffr 
    Server: ACPXCQ (Id: 6) 
    Initializing action... 
    Initialization complete. Executing... 
    Preparing directories... 
    Attempting to get artifact associated with deployable ID: 4 
    Artifact for action group's deployable found at: C:\BuildMaster\Artifacts\3\777.0020\3\4\FILE.zip 
    Loading file from C:\BuildMaster\Artifacts\3\777.0020\3\4\FILE.zip... 
    Getting list of files in target path... 
    Getting list of files in artifact... 
    Determining which files need to be deployed... 
    1 files in artifact; 1 files have changed 
    Deploying files... 
    Extracting artifact zip file... 
    An unhandled exception occurred while executing this action: System.IO.IOException at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Agents.Ssh.SshAgent.ExtractZipFile(String sourceFileName, String targetPath, Boolean overwrite) at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.Artifacts.DeployArtifactAction.DeployIncremental(AgentBase agent, String artifactPath, Boolean deleteInTarget) at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.Artifacts.DeployArtifactAction.Execute() at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.ActionBase.ExecuteInternal(IActionExecutionContext context, ExtensionConfigurerBase extensionConfigurer, Boolean resumeNextOnError, Boolean logErrorsAsWarnings)
    Product: BuildMaster  
    Version: 4.2.0

  • Thank you for posting the action log. When extracting the zip file, the deploy artifact action attempts to run the unzip program, is that program available on the server?

    Based on the log above, the exact command is:

    unzip -o "/home/dmccaffr/_A3/_S4/TMP/[artifactName].zip" -d "/home/dmccaffr"

    An IOException is thrown if the exit status returned is not equal to 0. Can you verify that running that command on the server above actually unzips the artifact, and that its exit code is 0?

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