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ProGet installation locked out. Uninstall does not reset authorization settings.

  • We've installed a copy of your NuGet server to evaluate it for our internal development teams.

    I installed a copy on our server and managed to lock myself out when trying to enable the LDAP (Active Directory) integration.

    I uninstalled the ProGet server and reinstalled but the instance is still locked.

    How do I reset the server to default the user name and password and non-LDAP authentication?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.0.2

  • Are you using the integrated web server, or hosting via IIS?

    Regardless, if you don't want to just delete the ProGet database and start from scratch, you can run the following command from PowerShell or a CMD window to reset the authentication mechanism:

    sqlcmd -E -S localhost -d ProGet -Q "UPDATE Configuration SET Value_Text = 'false' WHERE Key_Name = 'LDAPEnabled'"

    You can additionally reset the Admin user by running the ProGet.Service.exe executable and selecting Action 7 "ResetAdminPassword".

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