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Publishing from our build server fails intermittently

  • Hi,

    We have been suffering intermittent failures when trying to publish packages from our build server to our ProGet package server for several months now. We are seeing the following error in the Jenkins build logs:

    Failed to process request. 'There was an error processing the request: The process cannot access the file 'C:\ProgramData\ProGet\Packages\Default\Package.1.1.0-alpha.nupkg' because it is being used by another process.'. EXEC : The remote server returned an error : (500) Internal Server Error.

    There doesn't seem to be much consistency as to when this error occurs. Also, we have a ScratchPad and Default feed. Each build step publishes to our ScratchPad feed once it completes and then once all stages have build successfully there is a complete publish of all newly built packages to the Default feed. We have seen examples of failures publishing to both feeds.

    We have monitored the C:\ProgramData\ProGet\Packages directory with Sysinternals Process Monitor and noticed that when the publish failed there was a SHARING VIOLATION when ProGet.Service.exe tried to create the newly built package on the package server. It seems the sharing violation was due to the fact that ProGet.Service.exe had started reading the package just before it tried to publish the latest version, so ProGet.Services.exe had locked the file.

    There were no other processes observed (such as virus scanners) which had a handle on the file in question that might have caused the SHARING VIOLATION, hence it feels like there is perhaps an issue with ProGet blocking itself.

    If it helps you diagnose the problem we can provide an export of the Process Monitor output at the time of the failure.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 2.2.13

  • Are you overwriting an existing package when this happens, or are these fresh packages that are getting uploaded?

    Either way, if you could send that Process Monitor output to support@inedo and reference this post that would be very helpful, thank you!

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