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Proget 3.1 stops indexing files once it encounters an indexing error


    Proget stops indexing packages once it encounters an indexing error. It does not pick up new packages once we fix the error, until the Proget indexing service is restarted.


    • Proget Version 3.1.0 (Build 8)
    • Windows 2008 R2
    • IIS 7.5
    • The packages are stored on a Windows network share
    • Both the Proget AppPool and the Proget Service are running as a user that has access to the network share.


    1. Start Proget share and ask it to monitor the network share
    2. Create a nuget package that will cause an indexing error:
      • Take any nuget package. For example: Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost.4.0.20710
      • Now rename the package file to remove the trailing 0 from the version number. That is, rename the package from 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost.4.0.20710.0.nupkg' to 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost.4.0.20710.nupkg'
    3. Now copy this renamed file to the network share.
    4. Proget will try to index this file and log an indexing error. ASIDE: Should this really be an error for Proget??
    5. Now add a different, valid package to the network share.
    6. INCORRECT BEHAVIOR: Proget does not index this package.
    7. Rename the invalid package back to its valid name. So 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost.4.0.20710.nupkg' becomes 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost.4.0.20710.0.nupkg'.
    8. The indexing error in Proget is automatically fixed, WITHOUT restarting the Proget service
    9. Add another new valid package to the network share.
    10. INCORRECT BEHAVIOR: Proget still does not pick up the new package
    11. Restart Proget service
    12. Proget picks up all the packages.
    13. Add another valid package to the network share.
    14. Proget will pick up this new package.

    This is pretty strange behavior, since even though Proget doesn't pick up any new packages, it detects the error fix instantly, without needing to restart the service. This indicates that the indexer is still up, and monitoring files, just not adding them to the index?
    Let me know if you need any more information.



    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.0

  • We will be adding a few fixes to help with retrying after indexing issues in the next maintenance release, as well as some more logging to figure out what is going wrong in these cases.

    Long term, we will also be redoing a lot of the indexing logic to eliminate these types of problems (but that probably will happen in a minor/major release.)

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