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Create NuGet Package Dependency Management

  • Does the "Create NuGet Package" extension have any ability to automatically manage dependencies? If I use a .nuspec file, I have to manually list all external and .Net dependencies, which will be a pain to manage. I was hoping that by providing a project file instead of .nuspec file in the "Create NuGet Package" action that it would be able to resolve these dependencies automatically, but it does not appear to do so. Is there any way to have this action interpret reference dependencies and packages.config dependencies and automatically build those into the NuGet package?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.4.2

  • Not at this time, but this is something that should be supported. In the meantime, you can simply replace the action with an Execute Command Line action and call nuget.exe directly with the pack argument.

  • This thread is now 8 months old. Has there been any progress on this since BuildMaster 4.4.2 as I'm on 4.6.4 and still can't see how I would execute the following without have to use a command-line action.

    nuget pack ProjectName.csproj -IncludeReferencedProjects -Properties Configuration=Release

  • Fixed! This is included in v4.6 of the NuGet extension, which is now available.

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