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Nuget.exe install is not installing the latest version of a package

  • I'm evaluating ProGet 3.1.1 to replace our existing solution, but the following problem is happening:

    When I use the command-line:

    nuget install jQuery -NoCache -Verbosity detailed -Source http://my_feed_url

    It is installing the wrong version of jQuery (not the latest one).
    When comparing the output of nuget.exe pointing to ProGet vs nuget.org, it is easy to see the problem:


    C:\temp\x>nuget install jQuery -NoCache -Verbosity detailed -Source http://my_feed_url
    GET http://my_feed_url/FindPackagesById()?$filter=IsLatestVersion&$orderby=Version de
    GET http://my_feed_url/Packages(Id='jQuery',Version='1.10.0')
    GET http://my_feed_url/jQuery/1.10.0
    Installing 'jQuery 1.10.0'.
    Successfully installed 'jQuery 1.10.0'.


    C:\temp\x>nuget install jQuery -NoCache -Verbosity detailed -Source http://nuget.org/api/v2
    GET http://www.nuget.org/api/v2/FindPackagesById()?$filter=IsLatestVersion&$orderby=Version desc&$top=1&id='jQuery'
    GET http://www.nuget.org/api/v2/Packages(Id='jQuery',Version='2.1.1')
    GET http://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/jQuery/2.1.1
    Installing 'jQuery 2.1.1'.
    Successfully installed 'jQuery 2.1.1'.

    After some test, I found that the query "FindPackagesById()?$filter=IsLatestVersion&$orderby=Version desc&$top=1&id='jQuery'" is working correctly on ProGet... It is not filtering by the latest package, nor is returning just one result... it seems to be returning ALL package versions, in no particular order

    Can you please help with this issue?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.1

  • BTW, I was using the latest version of nuget.exe (2.8.2)

    I also tried nuget.exe 2.8.1, which resulted in the same problem.

    But, when I tried nuget.exe 2.8.0, it worked!

    It seems that the way that nuget.exe >= 2.8.1 work is not supported by ProGet

  • I can also confirm that we are having serious problems with the latest version of NuGet.

    Our biggest problem is with NuGet updates of existing packages. We have a continuous integration process for our packages, and we are unable to upgrade to new versions of the same package.

    When using the NuGet command line to update, it seem like it doesn't find the latest version of packages, and tries to upgrade to OLD versions of packages instead. Also, I get messages like "log4net version 1.2.10" not found, even though it is most definitely there.

    More seriously, in the Package Manager UI, updates to existing packages don't show up under the "Updates" section at all, they show up as "new" packages to install. It appears like the link between versions of packages is completely broken.

    The LDAP performance is working much better now, but unfortunately this version is unusable as it is. I am having trouble rolling back to version 3.1.0 though - I will log a different issue about that.

  • Oh, and using version 2.8 of NuGet.exe doesn't seem to work for updates from the command line, I see the same issues.

  • All the problems that I'm having also happen on ProGet 3.1.0 - unfortunately I will have to look at alternatives.

    ProGet simply seem to not conform with NuGet standards... any slightly complex "search term" simply don't work.

    After switching my CI to point to ProGet, most of my builds failed due to packages not found even though the packages are there. I was able to fix a few issues by setting the MaxQueryResults to a high value, but some problems are still happening on both 3.1.0 and 3.1.1 :(

    ProGet team - is there any possibility of getting support even though I'm still evaluating the Enterprise license? I need to make a decision on whether to buy ProGet or not by next week... Thanks

  • What is an example of a search term that isn't working?

  • Here are some, as described in the first post:

    • filter=IsLatestVersion
    • top=1 (or any other number)
    • orderby=Version desc

    I was able to workaround most of the problems, replacing scripts with custom-made tools (using Nuget.Core) - but some of my builds are still failing when using ProGet.

    The best I can get is a Fiddler session dump comparing the results of my existing NuGet server (and nuget.org) vs ProGet - would that work for you?


  • I have rolled back to version 3.1.0 now.

    I would first have to set up version 3.1.1 on a test server to try and reproduce the issue again. But I couldn't keep the new version installed - it was too broken and too critical for us as a service.

    I will try and reproduce the error on my side, but it looked like something that affected most of ProGet, and should be relatively easy to reproduce with a normal install/update-package workflow.

  • The only change that could potentially affect results like this should be that new MaxQueryResults, and setting that to an empty value should return behavior to exactly the same as v3.1.0.

    We haven't been able to reproduce any issues like this so far, but I will remove 3.1.1 from the website until we get this solved.

    Any fiddler traces of the problem can be sent to support at inedo com and will hopefully help us reproduce this.

  • I have some time now to try and replicate our issues with updating packages with the 3.1.1 release by generating some before and after Fiddler traces.

    Have you found the issues with 3.1.1 release on your side, or do you still need me to reproduce the issues here?

  • I installed ProGet 3.1.2 today and the errors I experienced with 3.1.1 are gone.

    Thanks for the quick turn-around on the fix, you guys are great.


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