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Application Group Variables - Key Already Added Error

  • I was trying to use an ApplicationGroup variable to hold some information about our TFS project root. I have several applications groups and they loosely match to our TFS projects so it would be a nice shortcut to be able to include the information here and reference it. Everything was great until I started setting the value for each of my groups. At that point, all the builds started to break including ones that were not even using the variable. The error is listed below. Question: Is this something that should work?

    <i>ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey,TElement](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 keySelector, Func2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.PlanExecuter.ActionGroupExecuter.ExecuteAction(ActionGroupActions_Extended actionInfo, ActionGroupContext context, Servers sourceServer, Servers targetServer)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.PlanExecuter.ActionGroupExecuter.Execute()</I>

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.4.4

  • Yes, this is a bug. We've been able to reproduce and fix it. The fix will be included in the next BuildMaster release, but if you would like a SQL patch to run sooner, you can email support at inedo.com and we'll send it to you.

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