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Auto download packages to disk upon NuGet package restore.

  • Hello,

    I am currently evaluating ProGet as a way to keep better control over third party packages in my company's shared .NET environment. So far everything is looking great. However, there is one feature we were hoping for that I have not been able to find anything for so far. We would like to have any package restored from NuGet through the ProGet feed during the build, to automatically download to the server's local disk. I know we can do a mass download for a feed or download each package individually, but we would prefer to have it download when restored so we only have what the developers are using and to hold versions of packages that have been removed from NuGet. Has this ever come up before? Do you have any suggestions?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.5

  • By default, connector packages are cached on the ProGet server the first time they are downloaded/requested by a client. However, they do not appear as local packages in the ProGet UI. Is this what you mean?

  • I have tried using both the NuGet Package GUI inside of visual studio and the command line: nuget.exe restore "<package location" -source "my ProGet feed". These were both able to restore packages that I had white listed in my ProGet feed, but I could not find the .nupkg anywhere on the server hard drive. I was expecting them to download to C:\ProgramData\ProGet\Packages\Default where the rest of the packages are, but they were not there, and a search of the entire hard drive showed they were not saved to disk anywhere.

    It would be nice to have it show up in the ProGet UI as well, but more importantly we were hoping to have any package our application teams restore to be written to our server's hard drive.

  • Make sure your feed is configured to cache packages (Admin > Manage Feeds > Edit Properties) and you'll see them in C:\ProgramData\ProGet\Packages\Default\_cache once they've been downloaded/restored:


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