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Display remote packages without downloading

  • Hi there,

    I'm quite new to NuGet and we're evaluating ProGet at the moment. I've got it installed with the default feed which has a connector to nuget.org. What I hoped is that by having that connector and feed available, when I pointed Visual Studio at this default feed I would be able to search all the packages on NuGet.org. However, I only seem to be able to search packages that ProGet has downloaded. At the moment I'm heeding the warnings in the application about 'not simply downloading nuget.org' so VisStudio can't search nuget.org. Is there a way of getting ProGet to act as a proxy for nuget.org in this way and then download packages as required? Our eventual requirement is to be able to build from Jenkins, and our Jenkins servers don't have internet access, so can't get to nuget.org directlry.

    I'm coming from a Java/Maven background where I've used tools like nexus/artifatory - if an application asks for a dependency that the repo doesn't have locally, it just goes and gets it. The repo doesn't have to download things first.


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.7

  • All you should need to do is have a connector to NuGet.org. The default feed that is created on installation should already have this, but if you are working against a different feed, you can go to Admin->Manage Feeds->Edit Feed->Add Connector, and supply https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/.

    Connector packages will appear in your feed as if they were hosted locally, but will be proxied through ProGet when they are downloaded (only difference is a visual indicator from the ProGet UI). You may also want to enable caching, so packages that have been downloaded will be cached on the ProGet server.

  • Thanks Tod - it seems to have been a problem with our proxy settings but I've got it sorted now.

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