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Service could not be stopped/started

  • Hello,

    I have set up a service deployment to one of our servers.

    On the Stop Service dialog, after selecting the servers, it shows all my services in dropdownlist based on the search. That means BuildMaster could access the services on that specific server.

    When running the deployment plan, it throws an error when trying to stop the service:

    2: Stop NoteService Service
    Source and target directory are the same; splitting...
    AgentBasedAction initialization complete:
      Temp Directory: C:\BuildMaster\_AGTTMP\_A14\_S132\TMP
      Source Directory: C:\BuildMaster\_AGTTMP\_A14\_S132\SRC
      Target Directory: C:\BuildMaster\_AGTTMP\_A14\_S132\WRK
      Server: SVR123456 (Id: 2)
    Initializing action...
    Initialization complete. Executing...
    Stopping service NoteService...
    Service could not be stopped: Cannot open NoteService service on computer '.'.
    Execution complete. Finalizing...
    Target directory unused; joining with source.
    Finalization complete.

    I am facing the same problem when starting the service.

    Any ideas?


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.4.4

  • What user account is the agent running as, and does it have permission to start and stop services? Note that Network Service does not have this ability by default.

  • Hi Tody,

    Sorry for my very late response.

    Yes, we are using NetworkService as bult-in account, in BuildMaster Pool's Identity.

    Any suggestions or workarounds for this?


  • The best solution is to assign a domain account that does have the privileges to start/stop the service.

    There are some other solutions detailed here:


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