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NuGet $batch update request

  • If a NuGet update request query string would exceed the IIS maximum of 2048, NuGet uses a special $batch url to request package details for available updates instead of passing the Ids of all packages in the query string. When this happens, I am getting a 404 error from ProGet and cannot do an update at the solution level and have to do it for each individual project, which is really tedious with 40 projects in the solution :)

    Is the $batch update something that is just not supported in ProGet, or is there some configuration that is required to support this?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.2.1

  • We are currently adding support for this; it should be included in the next maintenance version (v3.2.2) of ProGet (or minor release v3.3 if we happen to release that first).

  • Has this issue been fixed in a subsequent version to 3.2.1?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.2.1

    Thanks, Tim.

  • Is there any ETA on when 3.2.2 or 3.3 might be released? This is a pretty big blocker for us right now, and is causing us to look at other solutions.

  • This has been fixed and we are using it internally. It is possible the new version will be out today (2014/11/21) barring any unforeseen circumstances. If not, next Monday.

    Beyond that, there are some performance, indexing, and other improvements in this next version.

  • That's great news, thanks!

  • Just verifying that this has indeed been fixed in 3.3.1. Working great now, thanks :)

  • Does this still work in 3.4.x, ProGet seems to be having trouble with $batch Verb and POST method?

  • Yes this seems to have regressed in 3.4.x. It worked when I was using a legacy feed, but once I migrated to the new feed the problem returned.

  • Yes, it appears that moving some of the API endpoint URLs to fix a different issue involving authentication with the nuget client is causing this.

    This happened in 3.4.7, this issue:

    PG-334 - FIX: Move all /api/v2 url endpoints to /nuget

    We'll fix in the next release.

  • Just wanted to let everyone know who's affected by this that we have a fix in 3.5.0. It's officially classified as a beta version, but only due to some database schema changes. The release notes and download links are here: http://inedo.com/proget/versions

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