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PreRelease packages not showing...

  • After installing 3.3.1, I have found that PreRelease packages are not showing in the Packages download e.g. http://localhost:8081/nuget/MyFeed/packages/

    I have set the ShowPrereleasePackages config to "True" but nothing changes.

    I've checked with both legacy feeds and newly indexed (in 3.3.1) feeds - they have what I presume is the correct values set in the dbo.Packages table (Prerelease_Indicator = 'Y')

    Am I missing something?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.3.1

  • Actually it seems as if all my packages are being returned - including pre-release packages. The issues seems to be that the <d:IsPrerelease m:type="Edm.Boolean"> field is not being set to 'true' for prerelease packages - all my packages are marked as IsPrerelease = false.

    Maybe Package Manager in Visual Studio filters out using the version number or something?

  • Thanks for this- we are deploying v3.3.2 now which contains a fix for this problem.

  • 3.3.2 seems to fix this issue.

  • We're still getting issues with PreRelease packages in NuGet Package Manager search (in VS) and other places (solution level nuget.exe restore)

    Rolled back to 3.2.1 until issues are solved.

  • Looks like there was an additional issue being caused by the feed metadata being slightly off. We've published another fix (v3.3.4).

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