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Unauthorized access issue in ProGet 3.3.2 (was fine in 3.1.7)

  • Today I've updated to ProGet 3.3.2 (from 3.1.7) and noticed an issue with authentication.

    In my configuration I have disabled anonymous access by deleting all privileges for Anonymous User.

    The issue is that in version 3.3.2 you can access feed URL (http://localhost:81/nuget/Default) as anonymous without logging in. It was working fine in 3.1.7 version where it was asking for credentials.

    To replicate (assuming clean install):

    This is causing issues when trying to download packages from private feeds using NuGet command line tool and Visual Studio plugin.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.3.2

  • We've reproduced this and implemented a fix- we'll have v3.3.3 available today to resolve this issue. Thanks for the bug report!

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