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Process body of Url Trigger

  • Hi,

    Here is what I would like to do and I wonder if BuildMaster can or will support this workflow.

    I have a project setup on visualstudio.com and I want to utilize it's build service. Once the build is completed it will use the WebHook to call a URL trigger for an application in BuildMaster. From there I would like the build step to grab the build artifacts from visualstudio.com and package it as BuildMaster artifacts, which then is deployed to the different environments. When the artifacts are successfully deployed to an environment it will update the build quality in visualstudio.com

    Currently I am stuck at getting build artifacts from visualstudio.com. Seems like the easiest way to implement this is to use the drop download link from the build detail that's part of the WebHook's post body, however I don't think I can process the json in BuildMaster currently. Is there a way to do this without invoking visualstudio.com's api?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.5.3

  • What it sounds like you're talking about is a "Build Importer"?

    We have one built for TFS - https://github.com/Inedo/bmx-tfs/tree/master/BuildImporter - and the basic idea is that you import your build's artifacts using that.

    As for chaging the status on VSOnline, that hopefully is just an HTTP Post, or it may require a custom action.

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