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Multiple npm feeds

  • Are multiple npm feeds supported in ProGet?

    I added two npm feeds. Running 'npm search' and 'npm publish' against either of them (command line) would give error:

    "MultipleNpmFeeds The client is using the wrong search URL, and there are multiple
    npm feeds available, so ProGet cannot determine which feed to search.: -/all"

    If I remove one, leaving only one npm feed, then npm search/publish would work.

    Does ProGet support only one npm feed? or am I missing some configuration somewhere? Thanks.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.4.7

  • ProGet supports multiple npm repository... but currently, there is a bug in the npm client's search command, where it ignores everything in repository URL after the host name.

    If you only have one npm repository, ProGet can work around npm's bug by searching the single repository... but otherwise, npm client isn't saying which repository to use. Hence the error.

    There are a lot of search problems with the npm client right now... check out npm-kludge-search for a replacement that mostly works.

  • Thanks Alana.

    Does your comment about the npm search bug apply to npm publish as well? We're seeing the error with npm publish as well. Aside from limiting ourselves to only one npm feed, is there a workaround (for command line publish)?

  • I believe the publish bug was fixed in the latest npm; you may want to update.

    Or, maybe it was broken in the latest npm (v2.5.0). In that case, you will want to downgrade.

    I believe we tested last against v2.2.0.

    I would also suggest to post this on the npm issue tracker, as will help raise the priority/importance of fixing and maintaining tests to work with repositories other than npmjs.org -

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