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Create Feed button unresponsive

  • Hello

    I have installed 3.6.1 hosting in IIS. The Default feed is created and working fine. However I want to create additional feeds. When I click the Create Feed button on the Feeds page nothing happens.

    I am on a Trial licence, is this one of the restrictions?


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.6.1

  • It's not a restriction; are there any JavaScript errors on the page or anything like that? The Create Feed page should pop up a modal window that allows you to choose which feed type you want.

  • There is a script error: Uncaught TypeError: $.inedojq_frameddialog is not a function

  • Well that's a bit strange... do you see a <script> tag with /resources/jquery/inedojq/inedojq_frameddialog.js included in the page source? What happens if you visit /resources/jquery/inedojq/inedojq_frameddialog.js directly?

  • Hello

    I can access that file but I don't find a reference to it in the page/source.


  • Actually I was able to repro this (only when LDAP is enabled however); thank you for the report - it will be fixed in the next maintenance release v3.6.2.

    As a workaround, just visit the /administration/feeds/select URL directly.

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