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Binding ProGet to a single IP

  • I can’t get ProGet to start. The machine has multiple IPs, and I only want ProGet to bind to one of them. I added a reservation to the correct URL (http://nuget.atg.analog.com:80/ ) but it fails to start:

    Application: ProGet.Service.exe
    Framework Version: v4.0.30319
    Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
    Exception Info: System.Net.HttpListenerException
    Server stack trace: 
       at System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
    All URL reservations on NWD2HSCJNKS2:
    http://*:2869/ (NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE)
    http://*:5357/ (NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE, BUILTIN\Users)
    https://*:5358/ (NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE, BUILTIN\Users)
    http://+:47001/wsman/ (NT SERVICE\Wecsvc, NT SERVICE\WinRM)
    http://+:5985/wsman/ (NT SERVICE\Wecsvc, NT SERVICE\WinRM)
    https://+:5986/wsman/ (NT SERVICE\Wecsvc, NT SERVICE\WinRM)
    https://+:443/sra_{BA195980-CD49-458b-9E23-C84EE0ADCD75}/ (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, BUILTIN\Administrators, NT SERVICE\SstpSvc)
    http://+:80/Temporary_Listen_Addresses/ (\Everyone)
    http://+:8733/Design_Time_Addresses/ (NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE) (\Everyone)
    http://nuget.mydomain.com:80/ (MYDOMAIN\mfowler)

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.7.3

  • Strange; the configuration looks correct to me. You may want to try hosting using IIS (at least to see if that works). See this article for instructions on how to switch to IIS:


  • So it's not possible without using IIS?

  • It should work in either case. I just suggested using IIS temporarily as a troubleshooting step to see if that works. If IIS also does not work, then there may be some other configuration outside of ProGet causing a conflict.

  • Any update on when this will be supported?

  • This is already supported for both hosting options. If you look at the ProGet service configuration in Windows Services, what is the /urls="" argument set to for the "Path to executable"? If it's not the IP address, simply run ProGet.Service.exe as an Administrator and uninstall the service, then re-install supplying http://{ip-address}:80/ as the URL prefix to bind to if you only want a single IP address. If you enter a DNS host name there it will automatically bind to all IPs.

  • Thanks Tod. It's finally working. You should update the documentation to state that the service has to be deleted and recreated every time there's a change in configuration. Most uses would assume these setting were stored in a config .xml, not hard coded into the service cmd line.

  • Is this still accurate, it seems out of date and when trying to run the installweb command, it does not recognise the url parameter?

  • This is now in Admin > All Settings, under ReservationUrls

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