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Creating a public Nuget feed

  • I have ProGet set up with AD authentication. I would like one feed to be public as in no authentication required. How do I configure this?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.7.5

  • This is not supported, it would require a 2nd ProGet server if you want to go that route.

    That being said, you should be able to assign Admin privileges for that single feed to the "Everyone" group so that while every user is still authenticated, they should be authorized to view the feed.

  • As having both public and private feeds is an incredibly common use case, would you consider adding the feature?

  • We do have adding an "anonymous" user on our roadmap for use in LDAP, but note that it won't be possible to have some feeds be secured with "Integrated Windows Authentication" and some feeds use "Forms Authentication", as that's not supported by IIS.

  • Good to know. Thanks!

  • Good to know as well on this side. Now I know how not to have configuration errors drive me nuts. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to do this ... Looks like my network will need two ProGet servers ...

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