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Symbol Server with nuget native packets

  • Hello.

    I generate and load native nuget packages (c++) to proGet.
    I generate a nupkg and a symbols.nupkg that are loaded correctly into proGet but when I browse the default feed or search for a package I see both packages (like they where two different objects). When we go to the page of a package we see for all versions "No symbols or source files are available.".
    I also configured Visual Studio 2012 (following the inedo KB) to use proGet as a symbol server and checked/rebuild index on proGet but Visual Studio do not load the symbols at debug time of the packages I install from proGet (I also used fiddler to monitor the exchange between VS and proGet and I see requests for kernel symbols for example, but not for any symbol related to the nuget packages I installed from proget).

    What could I check to fix that?

    Thanks a lot for any help.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.2.1

  • Please note, from the documentation on Symbols and Source Serving:

    Because ProGet integrates symbols in all of its NuGet feeds, having two packages is not necessary and can actually be counterproductive. Symbol packages only differ from "normal" packages by convention, so attempting to push both to a ProGet feed will result in a race condition - whichever package is pushed "last" will overwrite the original one.

    So, please don't push both packages to the same feed. Either push a combined one, or use two packages and push each to a different feed.

  • Hello.

    Thank you.very much for the information.

    Do you know if there is any way to have nuget generate just one nupkg packet with symbols and everything else?
    I've seen samples using a nuspec instead of an autopkg definition file but looks like nuspec is not available for native (c++) mode.

  • If you don't specify the symbols option, but include everything in a src directory, then it will work.

    Keep in mind a NuGet package is just a zip file, so if you're having trouble using nuget.exe with nuspec files and native packages, then you might find it easier to workaround by creating the zip file. Just remember to follow the conventions.

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