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Feature Request - Maven feed control - Storage override per feed

  • I'm a current ProGet user for NuGet packages. I was testing out 3.8.0 and to see if anything had changed since I last reviewed ProGet with regards to more control over maven feed types (I asked this question a few months ago). It doesn't appear so, so I'm just tossing this out as a feature request. Not sure if this is the correct forum for a feature request, but in an old ticket I discussed with Alana the uploading of maven artifacts and feed storage location control. There currently is no documented or way to override a maven feed's storage location nor is it possible to set the feed storage location per feed.

    It's definitely desirable to control these things in order to make backups on our repository simple, have our artifacts placed on more appropriate disks - separate from ProgramData, as well as browsing the file system. Setting it per feed is helpful. There's many reasons why you wouldn't ever want to mix snapshots and all the cached artifacts from online sources (could be thousands), with your own application releases - and heck, the override is a standard feature in the Nuget feeds...

    Just wanted to ensure this was a feature request. As it stands now, I'm kind of stuck using Artifactory for maven artifacts and would be happy to have ProGet be our option here if possible.

    (the answer from my previous question...)

    "There is a config setting that can be used to override the root storage location for maven feeds (changing C:\ProgramData\ProGet\Packages.maven2\ to somewhere else), but currently the path can't be overridden per-feed. Is this an important feature for you to have? We can always add it.

    It's true that there is no distinction in the software between release/snapshot feeds. We're certainly open to feedback on this; we are pretty new to maven and I'm sure there's room for improvement in our initial support of it :) Anything you can tell us about how you'd use or like to use the maven support would help us improve.

    by Alana • 6/24/2015 9:45:06 AM"

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.0

  • Thanks for the additional insight/feedback; we didn't realize the importance/value of setting per-feed like this for Maven. It's not that difficult for us to add, so we can do it.

    Anyway, I added PG-415 ("Allow feed-specific directory override for all feed types") to 3.8.1, so hopefully you should see that in the next maintenance release.

    So, we did add the "Also create SNAPSHOT feed" option when creating a Maven Feed. I wonder, if that solves the one issue you mentioned?

  • Ah I missed the snapshot creation option, because I only tested an existing ProGet 3.7.x maven feed I had. The checkbox is handy when creating new feeds since it'll save the step of whipping up another feed. Since nothing appears to prevent you from creating your own snapshot repository without the checkbox, and the snapshot feed appears to be fully configurable and separate from the other repository (which one would generally setup as a RELEASE repository) so - yeah - that feature seems good to me.

    Thanks a ton for adding the storage location override to the next release - that's really going to be useful.

    Of course, now I'm getting excited... so I have to beg for feed retention rules being made available for snapshot repositories as a free version feature -- like Nexus, Archiva, etc. If that happens, my journey to the dark side will be complete. :-)

    I can understand the wisdom in making that a pay-for feature for most all other repository types, but at least for maven snapshots, the general industry standard is to provide some mechanism to auto-purge snapshots (keeping only the last 3 - or whatever the user specifies, etc.).

    I can also say that these specific improvements being made will help making a stronger case to switch binary repo managers, as well as going pro to pick up the other enterprise features. So thank you for the help and new features!

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