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Synchronize two ProGet server

  • Hi!

    We have an internal ProGet server and want to enable our customers to access certain NuGet feeds. However, for security reasons, this server is not accessible from outside.

    I thought about the following options:

    1. Move the server to the DMZ
    2. Setup a second server in the DMZ and synchronize only certain feeds.

    I think moving the whole server to the DMZ, just to provide access for a few feeds is not worth the additional security risks.

    Regarding the synchronization, I am aware of the connector feature, which would allow me to connect to the internal NuGet server. However, our IT policy does not allow access from the DMZ to the internal network.

    Is there some way to push/synchronize certain feeds from the internal ProGet to the external ProGet server?
    It seems like the MyGet synchronization is what I want. Does this only work for MyGet?

    Best regards,


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.0

  • Currently, we only support the synchronization / replication of specific feeds using the MyGet sync feature. We may offer a ProGet <-> ProGet feed sync feature in the future, but there's not a lot of demand for it.

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