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Install NuGet Packages is missing in the action list

  • Hello,

    I see that two actions to install a NuGet package are availables for the NuGet extension. I installed the latest version 4.6 in BuildMaster but I see only one action to install a NuGet package.

    Do you know something about that? Because I would like to use the standard nuget.exe install instead of the default nuget.exe install <package.config>.
    I know that I could do that through cmd line but I'm curious to see what's the possibility given by this action.

    Thank you,
    Kind regards,

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.9.1

  • We removed that simply because it was confusing having both actions like that, your best bet is to use the Execute Command Line action, or a PowerShell script in the script library that does what you need.

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