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FR: Be Able to Configure Individual Package Meta Data Display

  • Would be great if I could enable / disable specific pieces of package meta data displaying in package details - so that I could choose to expose the same amount of meta data that nuget.org / chocolatey.org do if I wanted to make the user experience more similar to those galleries.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.6

  • To clarify, I don't mean configure meta data display on a per-package basis - rather system wide or on a per-feed basis.

  • What additional information are you looking to display? I think one or two fields is on our backlog to add to that page...

  • If you look at any package detail page on nuget.org or chocolatey.org they show "Authors" and "Owners" (packager) and in the sidebar they show links for "Software Site", "Software License".

    If there is an icon link in the package, that icon is actually displayed (in gallery as well as detail page).

    Their "tags" are also clickable to search by tag.

    It would be nice for Proget to be on parity with the Nuget Gallery as that is the defacto user experience.

    A bit more value add would be to allow me to create custom elements in .nuspec and somewhere on ProGet indicate if they display as either a main body item or a link on the left hand bar.

    These items would improve the browsing experience to help make it more useful as a package catalog.

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