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Can't select principals in Active Directory with Multiple Domains

  • When enter principle details in the Manage Permissions screen, the looking never finds anything, so I can't select the correct entry (like you we can in the LDAP directory).

    Are there any other steps to enable multiple domain support?

    I've tried entering in a variety of formats user or group @ domain, but nothing seems to work.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.6

  • It should "just work", but when it doesn't there are so many things that it could be. Often times, the API/libraries from Microsoft that we use to query AD simply return no results (and no error messages, either).

    So, you'd have to check the ProGet logs, the Windows Event logs, and Active Directory logs as well.

    80% of the times, it's permissions related; i.e. the ProGet web service account user does not have permission to query appropriately.

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