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Visual Studio keeps prompting me for authentication

  • Couldn't find on your site which version of Visual Studio Proget supports. I'm using 2012. My user account (AD- using LDAP) has full access to all feeds, but when I add the feeds to visual studio it keeps prompting me for my password.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.0.8

  • Visual Studio uses the NuGet Visual Studio Extension, which needs to be configured for authentication. All published versions work fine with ProGet.

    However, note that NuGet.org is always anonymous, but ProGet feeds can be configured for authentication.

    So, in this case, you'll need to make sure that you've configured visual studio to use your ProGet credentials, and that your credentials are authorized to use that feed.

  • "So, in this case, you'll need to make sure that you've configured visual studio to use your ProGet credentials, and that your credentials are authorized to use that feed."

    What does that mean? I'm saying that when I add the feed to the list of sources it prompts me for my creds. I configured Proget to use LDAP and I have full access. It is not accepting my credentials.

  • I think this a problem with IIS. Which methods of Authentiaction should be enabled for Proget in IIS?

  • When I changed IIS to use ONLY Windows Authentication and then changed Proget to Integrated mode, all my problems went away.

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