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Automate Nuget Package Publish to ProGet

  • 1> Is there a way to automate publishing packages to Proget ? We are a .NET shop with CruiseControl and TFS for our continuous integration. If project/solution is set up for daily build in CruiseControl followed by powershell or windows command to package it into nuget package. After that we want to be able to automatically publish this in Proget. (Not using the Add Package wizard that comes up. in the sense no user ). At present Proget server is on the same box as Cruise Control(build and deploy) server.

    2> How to update a package hosted in Proget ? Delete and add seems to be the only option here. Is there a way to update an existing package ?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.0.9

  • I assume, you are looking to deploy a package for deployment later?

    If this is the case, take a look at this guide, which goes over how to package and deploy an application for deployment using Otter.

    Otherwise, you can just use standard NuGet.exe client tools to package and publish your packages to the ProGet feed

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