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Bulk import is not working

  • I created a folder on proget's server and placed all legacy's nuget packages in it to do a bulk import in to Proget.
    i set the Bulk Import Drop Path on a specific feed.
    But Proget does not import any packages to the feed.

    i think the permission is ok.
    if you need any other information, you can send a email to me.
    i can attach the inform you want.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.0.8

  • Please ensure that the service is running, and that the service has permission to read and delete files from the feed.

    Note that sub-directories are not supported, only the packages themselves.

  • How can this be considered a bulk import if subdirectories are not supported? I couldn't figure out why this wasn't working until I found this post. I copied an existing nuget packages folder and just couldn't figure out why nothing was being imported. So, if they are only imported from the root, I have to copy in one package. Wait for pickup, then copy in the next package? That seems very strange. The other option is to find some tool or command line that will copy all of the files into one folder, but then that runs the risk of file collisions. I'm just really stumped as to how this can be considered a bulk import method, pleas help me out... how do I do things in bulk?

  • inedo-engineer

    Here's a PowerShell (File → Open Windows PowerShell) script that will move all the files to the root of the drop path:

    Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {Move-Item $_.FullName .}

    Make sure you run that inside your drop path, because it could do damage somewhere else.

  • I'm pretty sure mike you don't need to copy the folders one at a time and wait for pickup...you could copy all the packages at once.

    And watch out for that powershell script -- it will copy all files in all subdirectories into the current directory, so if your subdirectories contain things other than packages you should add a filter to it.

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