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Windows Extension Using Different Version of Powershell

  • I'm using the Windows extension to execute a Powershell script on a deployment.

    The machine is a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 machine that had Powershell 2.0 installed by default. Our team needs to utilize a Cmdlet that's only available in Powershell 3.0, so I upgraded Powershell on the machine via Windows Update, but now Buildmaster still indicates that it's still using Powershell 2.0 when I print $PSVersionTable.PSVersion out to the console.

    When I open a Powershell window outside of BuildMaster, it correctly returns that it's using 3.0.

    Is this a known issue, or is there some configuration setting that I am missing that sets what version of Powershell is used by the extension?

    Thanks in advance.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.8.6

  • Strange - usually we have problems with the version of PowerShell being higher than desired. Have you tried rebooting the server? Sometimes certain system defaults like that don't take effect everywhere until after a reboot.

  • Thank you. That was the solution. I had already rebooted once, because the Windows Powershell update required it.

    I rebooted the machine again and now BuildMaster is reporting the correct version.

    Thanks again.

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