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Problems with minor upgrade from v3.6.1 to v3.8.6

  • I have been having a battle with upgrading our 3.6.1 instance to 4.0.15.

    The problem from previous questions is the major change from 3 to 4 using "Tasks" which means every account we create appears to fall out of the Admin group.

    So I thought I'd do a minor upgrade, from 3.6.1 up to 3.8.6, I actually perform an upgrade to the database to 3.7.6 before going to 3.8.6.

    I copied the web config to connect to the database the same way and we are using Windows Authentication so changed that in the authentication.

    • I stop the app pool,
    • update on the database steps,
    • then I completely delete the full content in the web application and then copy the web app for 3.8.6, with my altered web config.
    • I then start the app pool again.

    The problem I am seeing is that I get taken to the log-in page, I did create a no LDAP login, but the admin account I created does not let me in.

    If I try to putting in any url (luckily I did one that was invalid) I get the error at the top of the page saying:
    Severe Error: There is a problem with the license key.

    I need to get this working in a test environment before I can get signoff that the upgrade will not affect anything.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.6

  • The changes Tasks changes were fairly minor, and you can work around them fairly easily if needed; from KB#1111...

    If you modified any of the default roles but did not rename then, then they will renamed to the new task names. In addition, the role's individually-securable actions (formerly, "tasks") will be reset to the new, default definitions.

    If you don't want this to happen upon upgrade, then just rename your role to anything other than the default role or task name.

    Otherwise its sounds like the error might be related to your license key, so you can just resolve that by going to Admin > License Key, and re-adding a key and then activating it.

  • I have renamed the roles just incase, but as soon as I upgrade to 4 it appears I get knocked out of the necessary task groups.

    Your user account does not have the Admin_ConfigureProGet task.

    I also get the same message if I don't change the role names.

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