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Delete packages in server

  • I can see the packages in the /packages url on the server, however clicking on the delete icon and confirming, I get redirected to the /feeds/<feed> page, but packages are never deleted.

    Is this known issue on this version ?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.1.3

  • The redirect is to be expected on a successful delete.

    If the package is still there, then it's possible an error occurred while trying to delete. Check the error logs.

  • We just updated our server from 4.0.8 to 4.2.0 and now we encounter this problem too. After confirming that the package/version should be deleted, you are redirected back to the feed but the package/version is still there.

    In the log there are no errors whatsoever and the recent error log shows "There are no recent errors."

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