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How exactly does the License filter work?

  • So, in testing how to do the license filtering, I create a new feed called test of type npm. I add a feed connector to https://registry.npmjs.org. This works great.

    The issue comes when I try a set up a License Filter. Based on the help in the dialog box, I am under the impress is either wide-open, or a white-list, i.e. only the licenses listed are allowed. However, when I enter a bogus URL to test (call it https://www.google.com), and run an npm install socketio which is under ICS license, it still will install, along with the rest of the dependencies which are a mix of BSD-3-Clause, MIT, and ISC.

    Now, most of the package.json files simply have a line like:

     "license": "ISC",

    and not an actual URL, but one, configya, does in fact contain a URL pointing to the MIT license over at opensource.org.

    So, what am I doing wrong, or is the software does not work that way?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.2.0

  • Currently, only NuGet feeds use the license filter, it shouldn't be displayed on npm feeds...

    We do plan on adding support for better licensing filtering in a future version, as the current implemention is a bit limiting.

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