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Otter GetCredentialProperty Password

  • When I use this function to get a stored credential:

    Log-Debug $GetCredentialProperty(DSSOtterAzure,Password);

    It prints out: DEBUG: System.Security.SecureString

    I assume that means it contains a secure string (and it's not just not a string containing the words "System.Security.SecureString" ) but how can I pass this to a powershell script (using pscall) for use in a credentials object?

    If I try and pass it as a secure string parameter it complains that it's the wrong type:
    Cannot convert the "System.Security.SecureString" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Security.SecureString".

    If I pass it as a string and then convert it to a secure string in the script it says the credentials are wrong :(


  • It prints out: DEBUG: System.Security.SecureString

    This is a bug, we wil lfix it in the next maintenace release.

    how can I pass this to a powershell script (using pscall) for use in a credentials object

    We will add a function like, $ToPsCredential(), so that when you use it in a PSCall statement, it will be passed in as a secure string.

    If I pass it as a string and then convert it to a secure string in the script it says the credentials are wrong :(

    If it's just outputing "System.Security.SecureString" then that might be it... but if that's not the case, when you call that same script (that converts string to secure) from the command-line, does it exhibit the same behavior? Can you log the incoming password and secure string results inside the powershell script to see where the problem might be?

  • Thanks for the reply, I'll await the bug fix and new function.

  • Is this function ($ToPsCredential()) already avaliable? Or will it be avaliable in near future?

    I know I can use $CredentialProperty() and $PSCredential() to extract username and password from Resource Credentials and then create PSCredential object but I'm looking for a more secure way for doing this. I don't want to allow encrypted properties to be accessed in plans using $CredentialProperty() function.

    Or is there any other way to pass credentials to DSC resource using Ensure-DscResource?

  • inedo-engineer

    @Adam - I have filed https://github.com/Inedo/inedox-windows/issues/70 to update the existing function to support referencing UsernamePassword credentials so you don't need to use $CredentialProperty

  • Great news, thank you.

  • inedo-engineer

    There are 2 ways to go about this:

    1. Allow $PsCredentials() to support credential names as an argument

    This is easiest, but would still require the "allow $CredentialProperty usage" option because you could always just write out the password in PowerShell regardless:

     $credentials = Get-Credential
     [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR(($credentials.Password))) | Write-Host
    1. Create a new PowerShellCredentials type

    While the same "exploit" would still be available, at least it would be limited to PowerShell, e.g. you couldn't just Log-Information $CredentialProperty(secret, Password);

    This though means we're just duplicating what UserNamePassword credentials already do, and it could cause confusion as to which one to use.

    If you have any other feedback on this, we are all ears!

  • Maybe some kind of checkbox in existing UserNamePassword would be a good solution? For example, a checkbox that clearly indicates that these credentials can only be used in PowerShell?

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