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Issues with getting debug symbols

  • Trying to setup symbols to be able to debug nuget package as described here:

    Package gets built and pushed to Proget using BuildMaster. I setup VS options as described and I do see the .pdb files when I open package page in Proget and click on the View for "Symbols and source files are available", meaning they exist and are indexed. I configured the feed to not strip the symbols when downloading the package. Then I install the package via Nuget Package Manager UI or Package Manager Console with -Source option.

    When debugging through the code that uses this package VS tries to open the source file on the Buildmaster server, where it was built from, as local file (D:\Buildmaster_SVCTMP...) and sure enough the file is not on my local drive, it's on BM server.

    What am I missing?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.0.9

  • In your Visual Studio Solution's .\packages folder, do you see the .pdbs?

    If so, then those will always be used instead. You will want to "strip symbols and source" from the feed settings page.

  • We are using dnx projects, so the packages folders are under c:\users\myuser.dnx, not under actual solutions folder. Packages folder does include the .pdb files. I checked "Strip symbols" for the feed, but it's still pulling .pdbs from the server. Only after I manually deleted pdbs in packages folder it got the source from Proget into my local temp symbols folder I setup for them, and I was able to debug.

    Does the "Strip symbols" check change take effect immediately or do I need to restart Proget service for it? Or is there something else that might be pulling these pdbs to packages folder even though the check is there?

  • What is the package structure? Can you show the contents (file names) of the package?

    The symbols are stripped from very specific directories, so it's possible dnx packages work a little different,

  • Here is an example path to a .pdb file, the same folder contains .dll:


    Package folder also contains the source in C:\Users\nsitnikov.dnx\packages\JA.AppCentral.Logging\0.1.7-Build1\src folder

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