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Sequencing targets within a pipeline stage

  • When I add multiple plans to a pipeline stage, they execute concurrently. Is this the intended behavior, and are there any plans to allow for setting an execution order?

    I'm using global plans and global pipelines.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.3.3

  • That is the intended behavior; our thought was that you could add more stages if you wanted a sequence. But we'd be curious to learn why sequencing targets would be a good use case!

    Note we will have a lock statement coming up that would allow you to have a critical section that only one of the plans could use.

  • Alana - thanks for the response.

    I had created multiple stages as you suggested, and it works, but it is clunky. All the plans in this context are for the building of a release, and the stages ended up being named Build1, Build2, Build3, etc. Using multiple stages means I have to apply and maintain any stage-level settings multiple times. Conceptually they are all part of the same step - the "Build" step - so it seems to make sense to have them in the same Stage.

    The reason for having the separate build plans is so we can re-use them in different pipelines that may not utilize all the plans. In BM 4.9 we were able to share action groups between different deployment plans, but using Otterscript in 5.3 prevents this. Breaking up the plans into smaller pieces lets me isolate the code I want to re-use.

  • I see; so basically, it's not as if you're targeting different environments, just trying to break up a complex deployment plan into multiple, logical pieces.

    What about using a Template for this purpose? You could make Build1, Build2, Build3 or something, and then in your main plan.

    call Build1;
    call build2
    call Build3;

  • There maybe many different sequences for the same collections of plans. If using current template, for each sequence, there will need to be a template, potentially it will be many.

    How about anonymous template wrapped in the pipeline? So the sequence is preserved, and no need to create many templates.

  • Alana - yes, thanks. Templates are working for what we need.

  • David, great to hear!

    Aris, would you mind opening a new thread, or submitting a ticket (maybe easier to back and forth on email); I think I understand what you're suggesting. We'll definitely have to re-engineer something to support this sort of usecase, so any more details on how it should behave (from the UI, pipeline JSON, etc) would be helpful!

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