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Does the Ensure or Get Proget Package work with non-universal feeds

  • I am trying to use the Ensure or Get Proget Package, feed is correct, credentials correct, but when it runs i'm getting an odd error:
    The server returned an error (404): OData method is not implemented.

    This is for a Nuget feed so is that supposed to work via these functions?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.6.4

  • It only works with Universal Packages; that feed type has a means to list file contents, retrieve partial files, etc. It's not possible with other feed types, so it's not quite so easy to do.

    There is, however, a "Ensure chocolatey" package.

  • Alana,
    Might I suggest updating the documentation to state that. Currently it is specified for the Upload operation but not the other two.

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