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Recursive Variable Evaluation

  • Is there a way to have variable expansion inside of another variable? It would be nice to be able to build up variables using other variables that are fully evaluated during execution.

      "CommonPath": "\common\path",
      "SpecificPath1": "$CommonPath\specific\place\here",
      "SpecificPath2": "$CommonPath\another\place\there"
    Log-Information $SpecificPath2;
    INFO:  \common\path\another\place\there

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.6.8

  • You can do this with the $Eval function:

    set $CommonPath = "\common\path";
    set $SpecificPath2 = "`$CommonPath\another\place\there";
    Log-Information $Eval($SpecificPath2);

    Note the escaped variable in $SpecificPath2 that prevents the initial expansion.

    Does that help?

  • Yes, thank you. This will work for my purposes although it is less than ideal having to litter $Eval statements throughout my plans. Also, when using properties set outside of a plan (e.g. application variables) this requires putting $Eval in the property definition

      "CommonPath": "\common\path",
      "SpecificPath1": "$CommonPath\specific\place\here",
      "SpecificPath2": "$Eval($CommonPath)\another\place\there"
    Log-Information $SpecificPath1;
    Log-Information $SpecificPath2;
    INFO: $CommonPath\specific\place\here
    INFO:  \common\path\another\place\there

    It would be nice to be able to always fully expand variables. I realize changes around variable expansion could cause regression issues for clients but perhaps having the ability to set a parameter that modifies how evaluation is handled in the current context would be manageable.

    set $VariableExpansion = Full;

  • We will implement this eventually once we have the specs nailed down. The plan is to offer a per-variable setting (in the same vein as the "sensitive" option) so it shouldn't break backwards compatibility.

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