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Unit Tests Results Summary

  • We have an execution plan whose job it is to execute a number of unit tests across a range of test projects.

    On completion of the tests, we're currently posting out a notification which contains a link to the test-results page as follows:

    set $TestResultsUrl = http://ourbuildserver/executions/test-results?executionId=$ExecutionId

    set $testsCompletedNotifcationMessage = $ApplicationName - $ReleaseName finished executing\n<$TestResultsUrl|Results>;

    Is there a system variable or function for getting the actually results summary (as presented on the test-results page) within the execution context so we can include it in the notification message body too?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.6.8

  • There is nothing built-in to do this, but you could do this with a custom variable function.

  • Thanks Alex,

    As recommended, I've created a variable function extension for this, which has worked perfectly:

      [Description("Returns a test results summary string for the execution in the current scope.")]
      [Category("Unit Testing")]
      public class TestResultsSummaryVariableFunction : ScalarVariableFunction
        [Description("The ID of the execution whose test results summary will be returned. If empty, the execution ID "
               + "in the current context will be used.")]
        [VariableFunctionParameter(0, Optional = true)]
        public int? ExecutionId { get; set; }
        protected override object EvaluateScalar(IGenericBuildMasterContext context)
          int? executionId = this.ExecutionId ?? context.ExecutionId;
          if (executionId == null || executionId <= 0)
            return "INVALID EXECUTION ID";
          var testResults = DB.BuildTestResults_GetTestResults(executionId);
          var runCount = testResults.Count;
          var passCount = 0;
          var failCount = 0;
          var inconclusiveCount = 0;
          foreach (var result in testResults)
            if (result.TestStatus_Code == Domains.TestStatusCodes.Passed)
            if (result.TestStatus_Code == Domains.TestStatusCodes.Failed)
            if (result.TestStatus_Code == Domains.TestStatusCodes.Inconclusive)
          return string.Format("{0} run, {1} passed, {2} failed, {3} inconclusive", runCount, passCount, failCount, inconclusiveCount);

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