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Docker Registry API - tags/list not implemented

  • With the 4.7.11 release it appears the UA check on the docker registry api calls is now removed so other tools can now call the registry api. I can now see the repositories in octopus as i am able to now configure the docker feed thanks to the _catalog and UA changes. However it does not appear that the tags/list command is implemented. This would allow octopus to list the tagged images for a repository and deploy a specified tagged image which is exactly what we would want to do for deploying software.

    An example

    HTTP GET - http://packages.zywave.com/v2/_catalog

    "repositories": [

    HTTP GET - http://packages.zywave.com/v2/docker/inty/kraken-service/tags/list

    Should return tagged images

    but returns

    "errors": [
    "code": "UNSUPPORTED",
    "message": "there is no handler for this URL",
    "detail": {}

    Thank you!

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.11

  • Glad you were able to get a little further... I've added this to the our public issue tracker as PG-1026. It's currently classified as unscheduled, but I imagine it will make it into the next release.

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