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Global Plan Template Usage

  • Hello!

    In BuildMaster, is there a way I can find out where a global plan template has been used across actual application plans?

    Many thanks,


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.6.8

  • inedo-engineer

    Hello Jamie,

    There's not a way to do this through the BuildMaster interface, but if you have access to the SQL database, you can run this:

    SELECT P.[Plan_Name], A.[Application_Name]
      FROM [Plans] P
      LEFT JOIN [Applications] A ON P.[Application_Id] = A.[Application_Id]
     WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), P.[Plan_Bytes]) LIKE '%call MyPlanTemplateName%'

    There's a possibility of false positives because the SQL query doesn't actually parse the plans, but it should be able to give you a rough idea of where a template has been used.

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