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Linux proget crashes on incoming requests

  • Done everything according to KB article. "docker ps" looks like this

    c3d9b5c13aab        inedo/proget:latest   "/bin/sh -c 'sed -..."   43 hours ago        Up 9 minutes>80/tcp   proget
    ac85e82d719f        postgres:9.5          "docker-entrypoint..."   44 hours ago        Up 9 minutes        5432/tcp               proget-postgres

    Launching "curl" on the same machines gives me this

    curl: (52) Empty reply from server

    And now "docker ps" looks like this

    c3d9b5c13aab        inedo/proget:latest   "/bin/sh -c 'sed -..."   43 hours ago        Up 16 seconds>80/tcp   proget
    ac85e82d719f        postgres:9.5          "docker-entrypoint..."   44 hours ago        Up 17 minutes       5432/tcp               proget-postgres

    "docker logs proget" doesn't give anything except

    Determining which change scripts need to be run...
    Database is already up to date.
    Executing additional scripts...

    Tested on
    Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-24-generic x86_64)
    Docker 17.03.1-ce

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.11

  • Unfortunately we're not sure why it's doing that, we haven't had other complaints of this, and it's not reproducable on the set-up that you've described in our test lab...

    Immediately aft4er that message, you should see the following.

    Starting the messenger...
    Messenger endpoint is tcp://localhost:1000
    Starting ServiceHeartbeatExecuter...
    Reading standard license list...
    Importing license list into database...
    License import complete.
    Starting ProxyConfigurationExecuter...
    Starting DropPathMonitorExecuter...
    Starting MyGetSyncExecuter...
    Starting ScheduledTaskExecuter...
    Starting ConnectorHealthCheckExecuter...
    Starting FeedReplicationExecuter...
    Starting DockerUploadCleanupExecuter...
    Starting ConnectorCacheCheckExecuter...

    If it's not working, then you'll likely need to explore the docker script, and step into the container to see what specifically is the issue.

  • I tried on a different machine which runs Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS and for some reason I no longer see the problem. Even more surprising is that both machines are virtual machines built from the same VirtualBox image. The 16.04 one was recently upgraded from 14.04.

    I guess 14.04 image is somehow broken and was fixed during the upgrade. I guess that's answers my question.

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