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NuGet v3 Support

  • Is NuGet v3 supported now? Some packages are requiring NuGet v3 to restore, e.g.: Newtonsonft v10, aka, the most used nuget package in .NET ecosystem.

    This is a dealbreaker for builds running on ProGet.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.13

  • ProGet works just fine with NuGet v3.x and v4.x clients.

    However, note that the NuGet v3.x and later use a private API that only NuGet.org uses (it's confusingly called the V3 API). This API is not intended or usable by private repositories at this time, so that means you'll need to alter your configuration to use the public API.

    Some versions of NuGet.exe have a bug where it only tries to use this API, even if you have a private one configured.

    You can do this by editing your "packageSources" in your NuGet.config file, and making sure to <clear> them first.

  • I'm sorry, I did not understand how I can make my project restore a NuGet package that doesn't work with NuGet V2 via ProGet.

    Is there any documentation that you can point me to?

  • To solve this, make sure to have the following nuget.config file in the same dir as the .sln file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <clear />
      <add key="ProGet" value="https://your-proget-server/nuget/feed-name/" protocolVersion="2"/>

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