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ProGet fails to enable High Availability

  • I've used PowerShell to install ProGet Enterprise on two nodes, using a database on a SQL cluster, (same connection string for both nodes), using something like the following:
    .\Progetsetup4.7.11.exe /S /Edition=LicenseKey /LicenseKey="<licensekey>" /PackagesPath=\<fileservername>\proget /ConnectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=ProGet;Data Source=<sqlservername>" /UseIntegratedWebServer=false /UserAccount=$MyUser /Password=$MyPass /ConfigureIIS /LogFile=C:\Windows\Temp\ProGetInstall.log
    I've enabled Load Balancing after configure the same Machine Keys in IIS for both nodes.

    When I attempt to enable High Availability, I just get an error:

    No servers are active

    What am I missing?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.11

  • That switch is used for multiple indexing service nodes to know which service is active; this setting is detected at service start time, so you can restart the service and it should appear in there.

  • I think I determined that the nodes need to reboot after enabling high availability. That seems to resolve the issue.
    It may also be possible that it just takes time for the servers to report in, and that the console will show an error state until things settle out. (I didn't test that.)

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