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Powershell script works outside BuildMaster but not from BuildMaster

  • I have a Powershell script the executes a stored procedure and the output to BuildMaster shows all the params it is passing and all the values are correct. However, it will fail complaining about a param of S and a Null value. There is no Null value being passed nor is the any param of S.
    I can take the exact output that is shown in the BuildMaster log and execute that SP in the db and it works without issue.

    I can even take the Powershell script and run it with the same values and it will run.

    Does BuildMaster parse the scripts before running them? This is a script saved in the Script Assets area of BuildMaster.
    Does it run Powershell in some different way? Just trying to figure out why this is happening when I can run it outside BuildMaster just fine.
    This particular SP uses a combination of Strings and Ints for params.

    I know it's not a permissions issue or an SP execution permission as there are some simpler ones that do work.

    Here is what I am doing:

    import-module SQLCmd
    try {
        $sqlQuery = "exec usp_SerCustomer_Search '"+ $SerCustId +"', NULL, NULL" 
        $dbChk = Invoke-SqlCmd2 -ServerInstance $dbServer -Database $dbName -Query $sqlQuery -ErrorAction Stop
    } Catch {
        write-error "Error: Failed to execute usp_SerCustomer_Search stored procedure. Error Info: $_ "
    if ($dbChk.Table.Rows.Count -gt 0)
        $conCurRec = $dbChk.ConcurrencyRecord
    	$sqlQuery = @"
    	exec usp_SerCustomer_Update 
    } elseif ($dbChk.Table.Rows.Count -eq 0)
        $sqlQuery = @"
    	exec usp_SerCustomer_Insert 
    try {
        Invoke-SqlCmd2 -ServerInstance $dbServer -Database $dbName -Query $sqlQuery -ErrorAction Stop
    } Catch {
        write-error "Error: Failed to execute stored procedure to Update or Insert Customer settings. Error Info: $_ "

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.7.3

  • Is there a way to collect Verbose output using PSCall?
    I have it enabled for the module call but I do not get any of the verbose output in the BuildMaster log.

    Also, I tried changing the SqlQuery values into one long string and still have the same issue.
    I do have other scripts with the same module being used and they all work fine but they are simple SP's with 1 or 2 string vars.
    This is the only one I have currently that has mixed value types.

  • Probably one of the values is not coming through correctly for some reason. To enable verbose output, it should work to explicitly set VerbosePreference in your script like:

     $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'

    That's all we're doing in the other PowerShell operations like PSExec.

  • Thanks I'll try setting it that way.

    The script is actually printing out what it is running as, invoke-sqlcmd2 does it, and it shows all the params are fine.

  • I believe we finally figured out the issue.
    The Invoke-Sqlcmd does not pass thru plain return values and when run via BuildMaster this was causing the execution to fail. I say while in BuildMaster as I can execute the exact same script outside BuildMaster and not have an error. Even though the try/catch is in the powershelll script.
    I know it shouldn't matter about BuildMaster, just explaining what is occurring.

    In any event if we change the Stored Procedure to do a Return Select 0 rather than Return 0 I can then remove the try/catch and use an IF on the returned row value in the Powershell script.

    Once I did that it is working.

  • I should clarify my last post, it does a Return Select 0 only when it is successful.

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