Webhook Monitors
  • 23 Jan 2023
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Webhook Monitors

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Article Summary

Webhook Monitors are Deprecated

With the introduction of expanded Git & Source Control features in BuildMaster 2022, this feature is redundant and will be removed in a future version of BuildMaster; see Legacy (Deprecated) Features to learn more.

BuildMaster can receive custom webhook events triggered by GitHub and GitLab. Once a webhook event is triggered, BuildMaster can use the received payload to create a new build in one or more applications or perform other tasks as described in OtterScript.

Configuring a Webhook Monitor

While webhook monitors depend on the platform, they are configured in BuildMaster in a similar way. A webhook monitor can be created at the system level from the Administration > Build Triggers & Scheduled Jobs page, or from the Builds > Triggers tab in the context of an application.

The general configuration for a webhook monitor includes:

  • Some type of secret key/token to verify the authenticity of the sender
  • Whether to create a build or run a custom plan
  • Whether to automatically create build variables to capture the commit ID and branch name

Once these options are configured, a URL (relative to the BuildMaster host) is provided that is required by the third-party system.

GitHub Webhook Monitor

In order for BuildMaster to receive webhooks from GitHub, a GitHub Webhook Monitor must first be created in BuildMaster, followed by adding a webhook in GitHub itself. See the GitHub Webhooks documentation for step-by-step instructions.

GitLab Webhook Monitor

In order for BuildMaster to receive webhooks from GitLab, a GitLab Webhook Monitor must first be created in BuildMaster, followed by adding a webhook in GitLab itself. See the GitLab Webhooks documentation for step-by-step instructions.

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