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Feeds - There was an error with a connector: Unable to connect to the remote server

  • I am trying to create nuget feed with connector for nuget.org and we use proxy config, please let me know how I can configure proxy on the ProGet server

    I have tried setting up proxy on the Administration section and when I do that server crashes and only option to recover is to re-install.

    We use "Use automatic configuration script" how should I configured this in ProGet server.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.2.2

  • I'm sorry for the difficulty; I can't say I've ever heard of "the server crashes and the only option to recover is to reinstall", but I'm thinking it's something unrelated.

    All that page does is change a setting in the database that instructs the connector code reads to determine how to configure the proxy.

    Instead of re-installing, can you investigate the windows event logs and see what errors are happening? Can you give more details about "only option to recover" means?

    I'm guessing the service crashes, but you can simply start up the service or reboot if that happens.

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