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Unable to download pacakge hosted on proget

  • Hello

    We host the recently released Microsoft Immutable Collections 1.0.12-beta pacakge (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Bcl.Immutable/) on out ProGet server.
    When we try to download it we using the NUGET VS extension, we get an Internal server error.
    The previous versions of this package were fine.

  • I downloaded that package to our hosted ProGet and after clearing the NuGet VS cache, I was able to download/restore my project that used it just fine, so unfortunately I could not repro here.

    What version of the NuGet VS client are you using, and does it work via command-line or package console? Also, are you doing an install-package or restore?

  • Hello

    Please ignore my question. The downloaded nupkg file was faulted.

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